If you have ever waited for THAT college acceptance letter, or that “we love your manuscript” letter, or “your test results came back negative” letter, you know what anticipation feels like. You understand those words that put hope in your planned future – the document that seals the deal. That seals your deal.
January can still be that for you. It is for me – every year. The beginning of things. Again. The whole month says “Use me to start fresh. Use me to regain perspective. Use me to establish action items for some priorities. Go ahead. I dare you.”
Earlier this month my husband and I sat down together and talked about goals. We talked about what we had for ourselves, and we discussed some that we saw for each other. Some of our individual goals matched. So we looked at our calendars and established time blocks for them. Our schedules need to be altered a little bit to fit it in, but we are going to do that. There are some dreams we both have, and we found blocks of time to set aside to work on them. In that we became accountable to the other.
God’s Word says, “I know the plans I have for you. They are to give you a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah) Nobody can cover you like the Father. Nobody.
And if it helps you to draw in your spouse, a close friend, a pastor to help you -- Do it.
I’ve got my husband’s back on his planned future. He’s got mine. That feels real good.
It’s still January. Find your place and outline the plan. Put some action steps to it.
I dare you.
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