Veterans of that game told Aaron Rodgers: “Don’t let anything distract you from your normal preparation.”
Don’t get distracted from what you know and what you have done up til now. Stay focused. Don’t change the game plan, just keep on task as you understand it.
Aaahh. But now the next question. What if you don’t have a routine working for you? What if your plan is not getting you to a winning place?
One word: Discipline.
This is my word for 2011. I know that there are several places in my life that need a fine tuning. I won’t go into them here (yes, perhaps some pride showing through), but I am sure you and I could talk about some common themes: exercise, healthier eating, more time invested in others, less time wasted, and you can add your own here: __________
Discipline defined: Training to act in accordance with rules; drill military discipline; Activity, exercise or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer; Punishment inflicted by way of correction and training; Behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control; A set or system of rules and regulations; To train by instruction and exercise; drill; To bring to a state or order and obedience by training and control
Did you find yourself lacking any of these? Anywhere? I do every time I read it. It’s not easy but locating those things within myself that need improvement keeps it real for me. I am not Wonder Woman (that’s good news), but there are still many things I am responsible before the Lord to accomplish every day, every week, every month, every year.
C’mon. Join me. 2011 a year of wins! It’s in you.
Speaking of wins . . . any Packers fans out there?
Don’t get distracted from what you know and what you have done up til now. Stay focused. Don’t change the game plan, just keep on task as you understand it.
Aaahh. But now the next question. What if you don’t have a routine working for you? What if your plan is not getting you to a winning place?
One word: Discipline.
This is my word for 2011. I know that there are several places in my life that need a fine tuning. I won’t go into them here (yes, perhaps some pride showing through), but I am sure you and I could talk about some common themes: exercise, healthier eating, more time invested in others, less time wasted, and you can add your own here: __________
Discipline defined: Training to act in accordance with rules; drill military discipline; Activity, exercise or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer; Punishment inflicted by way of correction and training; Behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control; A set or system of rules and regulations; To train by instruction and exercise; drill; To bring to a state or order and obedience by training and control
Did you find yourself lacking any of these? Anywhere? I do every time I read it. It’s not easy but locating those things within myself that need improvement keeps it real for me. I am not Wonder Woman (that’s good news), but there are still many things I am responsible before the Lord to accomplish every day, every week, every month, every year.
C’mon. Join me. 2011 a year of wins! It’s in you.
Speaking of wins . . . any Packers fans out there?
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