One morning, a day like any other, I was getting ready for work, staring intently in the mirror while I put on eye shadow, mascara, blush . . . you know those essential beauty aids we ladies have come to rely on.
My then 4-year-old came into the bathroom where I was so diligently working. He stood at the bathroom counter watching for a few minutes.
“Mom. Aren’t you thankful for makeup?”
There are some things that require no reply. But at that moment I remember thinking, “Perhaps not as thankful as you seem to be - (you sweet little stinker)."
“People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Sam 16:7
When David was chosen to be king, as the youngest brother, he may not have looked the part in the eyes of those watching this process, but the Lord was looking for something beneath the exterior. Duly noted. That’s important to remember.
And yet. We also know that our lives, our outward appearance, countenance may be the only Gospel some people will ever “read.” Or may be the first chapter in the book of Jesus for them.
Bottom line. Yes. I am thankful for makeup. It helps me. I imagine others I meet are too, they just may not know how much.
Present the best of yourself – whenever you can.
It really may matter – to you and to them.
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