Sunday afternoons. Sigh.
Today’s Sunday in Texas is rainy, cool, damp. Perfect for staying inside after church. We have a fire going – probably the last one of the season. A football game kind of day – but it’s March. So, we make a delicious hot beverage (French press decaf coffee today), and we write or we read or we do one of those plus laundry.
I like days like this before Spring --- the yard and flower beds cannot call my attention to them yet, making me feel guilty for not doing work outside. Can’t go for a walk – not really. Not today.
I am thankful for a warm, friendly, peaceful place called Home. The place to regroup, gear up for the week, set some Monday goals. And Tuesday goals. Prepare for a trip to Tulsa Thursday for a Senior Recital for an important soon-to-be graduate. Another trip Saturday to Michigan to see parents we haven’t seen in a while. A big 21st birthday to celebrate that day too. Soon there will be packing to do, and details to finalize . . .
But for right now. Peace. Ease. Familiarity. Home.
A very very good place.
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