You know those little things that can become annoying? Like having to change the position of the shower head, or closing doors or turning off the lights after your spouse? When I asked my husband why those things don’t bother him, he said, “They just remind me you’re here.”
(Focus on the Family Magazine, February 2005)
Sometimes we just need to lighten up. I have a personal philosophy about what should go unnoticed and what things are noteworthy of discussion. I call it my 24 hour rule.
Basically, if the annoyance or “issue” will not matter tomorrow at this time, let it go! Here’s a simplistic example, but you’ll get the point.
You and your spouse on your way to an event ... to a place he has been before (maybe once – he thinks he remembers the way) but tonight you are running late. He’s driving and isn’t quite sure he knows which street … wrong turn. Later still. Back track … find the right way. Arrive later than seems polite.
Sure – he could have checked Map Quest …. But how do YOU respond. Tomorrow this event won’t matter. You will have lived through it. There won’t be another like it, probably. Does it matter very much. Really? Let it go.
Talk nice. Be nice. Be polite. Hey, maybe even treat each other like you would company! “Can I get you something to drink?” “Please.” “Thank you.” “Would you like a snack?” (We hardly ever yell at company!)
Let the little things go. Major on the major things. This is YOUR best friend (and definitely means more to you than company)!
“Hold them in very high and most affectionate esteem in [intelligent and sympathetic] appreciation of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.” (1 Thessalonians 5:13, AMP)
(Focus on the Family Magazine, February 2005)
Sometimes we just need to lighten up. I have a personal philosophy about what should go unnoticed and what things are noteworthy of discussion. I call it my 24 hour rule.
Basically, if the annoyance or “issue” will not matter tomorrow at this time, let it go! Here’s a simplistic example, but you’ll get the point.
You and your spouse on your way to an event ... to a place he has been before (maybe once – he thinks he remembers the way) but tonight you are running late. He’s driving and isn’t quite sure he knows which street … wrong turn. Later still. Back track … find the right way. Arrive later than seems polite.
Sure – he could have checked Map Quest …. But how do YOU respond. Tomorrow this event won’t matter. You will have lived through it. There won’t be another like it, probably. Does it matter very much. Really? Let it go.
Talk nice. Be nice. Be polite. Hey, maybe even treat each other like you would company! “Can I get you something to drink?” “Please.” “Thank you.” “Would you like a snack?” (We hardly ever yell at company!)
Let the little things go. Major on the major things. This is YOUR best friend (and definitely means more to you than company)!
“Hold them in very high and most affectionate esteem in [intelligent and sympathetic] appreciation of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.” (1 Thessalonians 5:13, AMP)
Love this! Such wisdom in these words.