Remember my 180 to 50 goals?
One of them was to schedule a colonoscopy for myself (oh yeah baby!)(I can now say: “Check!”)
Friends have said that the anticipation of the procedure is worse than the thing itself. (I will let you know in May)
During my last checkup, my doctor gave me several items to do before I see her again. It seems that approaching a 50th birthday opens up a whole new file in the doctor's office with do’s and don’ts and add this much more calcium daily and schedule some routine exams you never had before. That sort of thing.
Colonoscopy is one of those things I needed to take some personal responsibility for. What about you? (You don’t have to personally reply to that question)
On a serious note to encourage all of my fellow “50ish” friends, here are some statistics to encourage you to take good care of yourself. (You are worth it!)
• If all Americans were screened regularly, it would save 25,000 lives each year.
• When diagnosed early, 90% of colorectal cancers are completely curable.
• About 75% of people in the U.S. who develop colorectal cancer are 50 or older with no other identifiable risk factors.
• Getting a colonoscopy can reduce the average person's risk of dying from colorectal cancer by 90%.
Again, let me repeat. You are worth it! Take every action you know to take to be healthy! We need you!
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