Every once in a while I need to locate myself – Find my True North. Everyone has one – a True North, that is.
“True North is the internal compass that guides you successfully through life. It represents who you are as a human being at your deepest level. It is your orienting point – your fixed point in a spinning world – that you stay on track . . . Your True North is based on what is most important to you, your most cherished values, your passions and motivations, the sources of satisfaction in your life.” (This excellent definition is from True North by Bill George)
When you follow your internal compass, you will be authentic.
While I was forming my 50 goals for my “180 to 50” project, I was looking for those things that made me --- well, me. I suppose. It was a time to reflect, dream, get practical, get not-so-practical . . . and write it down, make it real. Find True North for me and head that way.
So some of my goals included things like: #13 – Read a Novel. #15 – Read another novel. I want to read as many Pulitzer Prize winning authors as possible in the next 40 years.

Since I was in elementary school, I have been an avid reader, and then a writer. I wrote letters, long letters to family far way, short stories, journals, etc. The ability to create vivid pictures with words is one of my greatest aspirations. I was editor of my high school newspaper. I loved words. I received my Bachelors in Journalism from Central Michigan University (CMU), and continue to be a student of written words. I enjoy excellent authors. They are gifts to us. True North for me? Reading.
Authentic --- there’s a word. It deserves some attention. Next time.
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